Sunday, June 23, 2019

Corruption in India and how it is related to politics

Corruption in India, Corruption, Essay on corruption in India, Problem of corruption in India, How to prevent corruption in India, Corruption in India reason, corruption in India causes
Corruption in India
Corruption in India is a major issue which affects it's economy. Almost in every sector, one could find corruption happening and corrupt people growing in great abundance day by day. Several policies taken by the government recent years are not a permanent solution to the corruption. It needs a "massive electoral reform" and "reward and punishment" system among the employees (state/central) to give a solution permanently to this problem.

Politics is a very dirty business which is also more or less connected with the corruption. It is impossible to be clean in politics. Politician needs hundreds crores of rupees to run a party at national level. These funds are used for - 
  • Organizing rallies for the leaders 
  • Spend money for publicity 
  • Manage media at your side 
  • Carry out PR campaign for the leaders and the party 
  • Making payment to party workers and volunteers 
  • Pay money, liquor and freebies to the voters before the election 
Even if one is an absolutely honest politician at personal level, he still needs lots of money to run a party, particularly if his opponents are using all unfair means to win elections. 

The main problem in India is that honest people and businessmen hardly make any contribution to the political parties as they detest them. They have to get this money from dishonest people on the assurance of doing some favor for them. Such an act is called "Corruption" in legal sense. 

When one is not in politics, he can always preach honesty and integrity to the politicians. However, he realizes the truth once he join politics. 

We seriously need massive electoral reform and a better system of reward and punishment among the government employees if we want Indian politics to become honest and transparent as well as to remove corruption from the country. 

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